Using ATOM3D datasets

All datasets in ATOM3D are provided in standardized LMDB format. LMDB allows for compressed, fast, random access to your structures, all within a single database.

Downloading LMDB datasets

All datasets are hosted on Zenodo, and the links to download raw and split datasets in LMDB format can be found at Alternatively, you can use the Python API:

>>> import atom3d.datasets as da
>>> da.download_dataset('lba', TARGET_PATH, split=SPLIT_NAME)

See the ATOM3D website or the FAQ for more information about the datasets available.

Loading datasets in Python

After downloading or creating an LMDB dataset, it is easy to load it into Python using ATOM3D. You can also load a dataset from a directory of files in any supported structural data format (currently PDB, SDF, XYZ, and Rosetta silent files). The resulting object acts just like a PyTorch Dataset, with a length and entries that can be accessed or iterated on. See ATOM3D data formats for details on the format of each data entry.

import atom3d.datasets as da

dataset = da.load_dataset(PATH_TO_INPUT_DIR, {'lmdb', 'pdb','silent','sdf','xyz','xyz-gdb'})
print(len(dataset))  # Print length
print(dataset[0].keys()) # Print keys stored in first structure

Filtering datasets

By default, datasets contain all atoms in each molecular structure. However, many applications may require filtering the structure to remove undesirable atoms or focus on a specific region of the structure. This is easy to do by defining filter functions which operate on the atoms dataframe of a dataset item, returning a filtered version of the same dataframe. Several such filter functions are predefined in atom3d.filters.

For example, to remove non-standard residues from all proteins in a dataset:

from atom3d.filters import filters
from import load_example_dataset

dataset = load_example_dataset()
for struct in dataset:
  struct['atoms'] = filters.standard_residue_filter(struct['atoms'])

It is also possible to combine multiple filters with atom3d.filters.filters.compose(). For example, to use only the first chain of a protein and remove non-standard residues:

>>> from import load_example_dataset
>>> from atom3d.filters import filters
>>> dataset = load_example_dataset()
>>> struct = dataset[0]
>>> filter1 = filters.single_chain_filter
>>> filter2 = filters.standard_residue_filter
>>> filter_fn = filters.compose(filter1, filter2)
>>> struct['atoms'].shape
(5220, 20)
>>> struct['atoms'] = filter_fn(struct['atoms'])
>>> struct['atoms'].shape
(2568, 20)

These functions can also be readily extended by defining wrappers that return a filter function for a particular application. For example, the function atom3d.filters.sequence.form_seq_filter_against() creates a filter function that removes structures with greater than some sequence identity to any structure in a specified dataset (e.g. to filter train examples that are too similar to the test set).

from atom3d.filters.sequence import form_seq_filter_against
from atom3d.datasets.datasets import LMDBDataset

train_dataset = LMDBDataset(TRAIN_PATH)
test_dataset = LMDBDataset(TEST_PATH)

filter_fn = form_seq_filter_against(test_dataset, 0.3)

for struct in train_dataset:
  struct['atoms'] = filter_fn(struct['atoms']) # returns empty dataframe if a match is found in test set

To automatically apply a filter to a dataset on the fly as each example is loaded, you can convert it to a transform function and pass it to any Dataset using the transform argument.

from atom3d.filters import filters
from atom3d.datasets.datasets import LMDBDataset

filter_fn = filters.standard_residue_filter
transform_fn = filters.filter_to_transform(filter_fn) # convert filter function to transform function
dataset = LMDBDataset(PATH, transform=transform_fn) # load dataset and apply transform

Splitting datasets

For most machine learning applications, the datasets will need to be split into train/validation/test subsets. Because the desired splitting methodology varies depending on the molecule type and the application, the standard way to split datasets in ATOM3D is by using pre-computed sets of indices into the dataset. These indices can be computed arbitrarily using any splitting function that takes in a dataset and returns indices to include in the train, validation, and test sets.

The atom3d.splits.splits.split() function then takes in a dataset and the split indices and returns the three corresponding sub-datasets (in the same format as the original dataset):

import atom3d.splits.splits as spl

train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset = spl.split(dataset, indices_train, indices_val, indices_test)

Using standard splitting criteria

ATOM3D provides splitting functions for many commonly used splitting methodologies in the atom3d.splits.splits module.

  • Split randomly

    The simplest splitting method is to split the dataset at random.

  • Split by sequence identity (proteins)

  • Split by scaffold (small molecules)

  • Split by year

Defining your own splitting criteria

  • Split by cluster/group membership

  • Split by cluster/group size


The following examples illustrate some useful functionalities of ATOM3D using a small mock dataset.

>>> from import load_example_dataset
>>> dataset = load_example_dataset()
  1. Get coordinates of all atoms in a structure.

>>> import atom3d.util.formats as fo
>>> struct = dataset[0] # get first structure in dataset
>>> atoms_df = struct['atoms'] # load atom data for structure
>>> coords = fo.get_coordinates_from_df(atoms_df)
>>> coords.shape
(2568, 3)
  1. Get protein sequences from a structure.

>>> import atom3d.protein.sequence as seq
>>> struct = dataset[0] # get first structure in dataset
>>> atoms_df = struct['atoms'] # load atom data for structure
>>> chain_sequences = seq.get_chain_sequences(atoms_df)
>>> chain_sequences # Contains sequences for all chains/monomers, identified by tuple of (ensemble, subunit, structure, model, chain)
[(('11as.pdb', '0', '11as.pdb', '1', 'A'), 'AYIAKQRQISFVKS...PAAVRESVPSLLN')]
  1. Extract all atoms within 5 Angstroms of a ligand

In this example, the ligand is assumed to be stored as a subunit in the atoms dataframe, under the label “LIG”. In practice, the ligand could be stored in different way (e.g. in a separate dataframe or under a different label), depending on how the dataset was constructed.

>>> from atom3d.filters.filters import distance_filter
>>> import atom3d.util.formats as fo
>>> struct = dataset[0] # get first structure in dataset
>>> atoms_df = struct['atoms'] # load atom data for structure
>>> lig_coords = fo.get_coordinates_from_df(atoms_df[atoms_df['subunit']=='LIG']) # get coords of ligand
>>> df_filtered = distance_filter(atoms_df, lig_coords, dist=5.0)